Overview | History | Population |Location | Touristic Attractions | Tourism Infrastructure | Touristic Programs | Touristic Destinations | Associations | Accomodation
The tourism infrastructure of Techirghiol includes over 22 tourism operators: villas and hotels with various classifications (the biggest and best known tourism operator being the Balnear and Rehabilitation Sanatorium of Techirghiol), restaurants, a fast and accessible public transport system, several entertainment facilities, but also cultural institutions where artistic and sociocultural events take place.
Cultural institutions:
- Cultural Center “Constantin Tănase” Techirghiol
- Public Library Techirghiol
- Summer Theater Techirghiol
- Cinema hall
- “St. Mary” social and pastoral center (including the holiday and treatment spa Sf.Pantelimon) – Protosingelos Cleopa Nistor – manager,
- Parish I – under the patronage of St. Elijah – parish priest Pasmangiu Viorel
- Parish II – under the patronage of St. John the Baptist – parish priest Stoichin Ciprian
- The Seventh-day Adventist Church
- The Apostolic Church
Artistic and sociocultural events:
- Activites related to events organized by different ethnic groups
- The National Festival for Easy Listening Music “Glasul Speranțelor” (promising voices) Techirghiol
- Periodic activities and meetings with writers and poets
- Sport competitions
- Drawing competitions and exhibitions, with the participation of local children
- Painting and sculpture exhibitions
- Celebration of Techirghiol Days
- Humor Festival “Constantin Tănase”
- The Flower Fair “EXPOFLORA” (month of May)
- The Monastery Products Fair (month of August)
These events, organized by the City Hall of Techirghiol, are meant to diversify the cultural offer, both for locals and for tourists, throughout the year.
The City Hall of Techirghiol designed a Plan for development of local tourism, while safeguarding the local specific, the traditions and the natural wealth of the resort. This development plan includes:
- touristic exploitation of Techirghiol Lake, by building a wharf with a small ship that makes regular trips on Lake Techirghiol,
building a therapeutic park in front of the Balnear and Rehabilitation Sanatorium of Techirghiol; this park represents a special place for entertainment and recreation, but also therapy, both for local people and for tourists.